A. They were delicious and everyone ate them.
B. They were left too close to the edge of the table, and my hungry beagle took care of them.
C. They were disgusting, and I threw them in the trash.
If you guessed C, you probably read my last entry and knew I used old cake flour.
Want some good advice? Make sure you use fresh ingredients. If you aren't sure about their freshness, that probably means they're not very fresh. Cough up the extra cash and buy new ingredients to ensure that the final resting place for your beautiful cupcakes is not in the bottom of a trash can!
Trashed cupcakes; oof! painful!
i thought it was the beagle! (i have a beagle too.) very sad about the bad cupcakes in the trash...
I'm wondering now - you say you always try one cupcake warm and unfrosted...so did you taste them and decorate them anyway, despite knowing you'd throw them out? I like the picture, cupcakes in the bin, not something you see pictures of often!
prazzie, yes i did taste one while it was still warm. it did taste a little "off," but i thought it was just me because i'd never eaten any kind of 'from scratch' cake before. but after many taste testers agreed that they were yucky, i took action by throwing them into the garbage!
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